4 juin 1977 Gilles VIGNEAULT chante "J'ai planté un chêne". Applaudissement du public. Émissions TV, Archive tv, Archive television, tv replay live, live music, french tv Images d'archive INA
"Bella Ciao" (Goodbye, Beautiful) is an Italian workers' song that gained popularity during the Italian Civil War when it was sung by the Anti-Fascist partisans in the Committee for National Liberation (Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale, CLN). It was first written in the late 1800s and sung by striking farmers in Northern Italy, but when the CLN used it, they modified to lyrics to talk about the anti-fascist partisans who resisted Mussolinite and Hitlerite fascism. These days it is one of the most popular anti-fascist songs of all time, if not the most popular. Performed here by my favourite choir, the Trieste Partisan Choir (Tržaški partizanski pevski zbor / Coro partigiano Triestino)
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